Wednesday already huh... That just means Christmas is another day closer - Holy Crap! Haven't done anything... Before that... My birthday is only a couple of weeks away! Holy Crap!
Anyways... today was good. The usual mini-wheats for breakfast, Coffee before work, Coffee and Chicken and Salad sandwich for lunch, a Banana when I got home from work and Beef Strog with Whole Grain brown rice for dinner. Was gonna buy some green vegies while I was at the supermarket yesterday, but I totally forgot... and so I went without tonight. It's payday tomorrow so we'll go get some fresh and yummy healthy fruit and veg tomorrow!
The kick-start exercise plan for today was 2 lots of 30mins on the treadmill. One before work and one after work... but I totally slept in and didn't have time to do the 30mins before. Oops. But to make it up to myself I did a 45min treadmill this afternoon instead! Good for me!
And that the report for today. I was at work all day so not much to report on, unless you want to hear about customers who are arrogant, uneducated and impolite. Didn't think so.
I tell you something though, I have the biggest cravings for food right now. I've actually eaten a decent, reasonable amount of food for today... but I totally want to eat the left over spaghetti from last night or a bread roll with vegemite or Something... Notice what those things I'm craving are?? CARBS. It's frickin 9:30 at night I want to eat a crap load of carbs! What the...???
I've managed to stay away from crap during the day and don't even really notice any desire to consume... but once dinner is eaten and I'm not doing stuff... it's on... I wanna stuff my face with fatty carby sugary goodness.
BUT NO... I've managed to stay away... but I'm going to have some fruit in a minute, some two fruits. I don't think a little bit of fruit at night can be that bad... right?
Anyways lovelies, I best be off. David is waiting for me so we can watch the new episode of V... anyone remember V from the 80's??? Well, the US have remade it and it's really good. Look out for it...
Good Night All
Comment please. Any recipe/meal ideas or ANY suggestions are Very Welcome.
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