So, I've been absent a couple of days. I'm sorry. Let's get the food report out of the way first...
Friday - Crunchy Nut Cornflakes for breakfast, coffee before work, chicken & salad sandwich for lunch with coffee. I finished late Friday night and we didn't have anything in the house that wasn't frozen. So, we had takeaway... (Shock! Horror!) WAIT... We had Dave's Noodles (for you non-locals - it's like Noodle Box, a stir-fry noodle place). A much better choice than McDonald's or KFC, right?
Saturday - Crunchy Nut Cornflakes again. No work, so no coffee. Had 2 minute noodles for lunch. I got a little adventurous and made my very first risotto for dinner. Mushroom and Bacon Risotto. Was yummy yummy. So this day was a bit of a carb heavy day, but I did also do 2 lots of 30 minutes treadmill walking as well. Had to catch up Flash/Forward episodes, so I watched them and walked! I had to put a half a glass of white wine in the risotto, so... oops, I drank the rest of the bottle. My bad!
And that brings us to today.... Crunchy Nut yet again (they is yummy!). Work... I was gonna take some left over risotto for lunch but forgot it, so I actually skipped lunch... I'll be honest here... I had $2 in my pocket and I bought a small tiny bag of BBQ potato chips cos I was Hungry! Then for dinner tonight we had burritos. I had the light whole grain tortillas cos they taste just as good and are better for ya!
All in all, not the best few days but not the worst by far... And like I said when I restarted this blog... it's not about being strict and being perfect, cos that wouldn't work. It's about making better choices. And although my choices the last few days haven't 'screamed' health nut, compared to the choices that I would've made... it's pretty good in my books.
I don't want to rush and get all this weight off... I mean, it would be great to wake up tomorrow and be thin and just have to worry about maintaining my weight - but that's a fairy tale. The best way for me to do it is to do it slowly and do the right things....
So, while at work today getting abused... I realised that people are dumb. I mean, not all people... but it seems a lot. There was one girl who sounded like a teenager (16 at least) that didn't know what the fuck I was talking about when I asked for the initial of the person she was looking for. I mean... What? It wasn't a trick question love.. People can't spell... people can't write. People don't know stuff... stuff that I thought was general knowledge. I mean, what the fuck is happening? Is it that kids don't give a shit enough to learn or are schools dumbing down the lessons to match the IQ of the students? When I was a student there were lots of things I didn't get.. that was the point wasn't it... LEARN IT! Look it up and learn it.
I guess with everyone having Google and Wikipedia access on their phones now, they don't need to know or remember stuff. I used to try to remember shit cos god forbid I would have to lug out the old encyclopedia to find out what the fuck it meant again.
So, what is it? Is it kids not caring to learn? Is it teachers dumbing down the lessons? Is it technology making people lethargic? (Google search that word kids) I don't get it. I think it's embarassing to have a mass amount of spelling mistakes and for sentences to not make sense. I sometimes re-read my blog postings 2 or 3 times to make sure it reads right (Not always, so don't grade me and email me with big red circles please). I just don't understand...
Anyways, that's my little gripe for today.... let me know what you think. I obviously don't have kids and it's been a few years since I left school... and the students today seems so far removed from what my friends and I were like at school. I repeated year 12, so I left school in 2001... not all that long ago, still this century... and the difference is monumental. Maybe some of you folks out there are students... or have student-aged children can shed some light on this for me???
Alrighty lovilies, I'm off. Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend.. and enjoy your bout of Monday-itis tomorrow!
Hi sweetness, well if i have lots of mistakes forgive me as im writing this with a 5 kg fluff ball (muffin) sitting on my bloody lap, she wont leave me alone, if i put her down she barks at me lol yes well trained I know but hey wouldnt be without the lil shit....so well done on the food, and hey if ya count ya cals a small bag of chips is bugga all in the scheme of things.The time has come for me to get my arse into gear and get healthy as well, was so crook friday a bug im thinking but on the whole i dont eat good meal, work has alot to do with that, but i will have to make myself cook when i get home not grab éasy"food. shit this is hard typing..grrrr
As for the school stuff, think its just that now with all the technology teachers have so much more to teach..so things get left behind and sadly spelling and basic maths seems to be the two biggies, I know when my daughter was at primary the focus was on reading writing maths then when she hit high school, gone was the homework, and basic education, everything went to computers, luckily she had the primary basis without that i would of had to do it myself, i dont think u should earn the right to use a claculator until u get the basics first blah blah lol anyway u get my drift..ok im done muffin is leaning on my arms as i type and its getting a tad on the hard side..take care and well done see you at work..if we are on the same days that is lol
De xxxx
I totally agree with the education thing and I too have had people ask what I mean when I've asked them for an initial. The only thing that tops that would be the woman who told me that her state was west australia, thinking that I'd misheard her I asked her again and she repeated west australia. I wanted to say to her sorry but there's no west australia in this country, perhaps you could deport yourself and come back when you're prepared to learn the name of the state that you live in.....obviously you can't say that so I ignored her stupidity and wished for a smarter caller instead but we all know the smarter caller never called
De - I guess with all this new focus on technology and all this new information we're always learning... the basic spelling and math isn't as big a focus, cos we have machines to do that for us. What a sad state of affairs it will be in the future when the art of writing and the grace and poetry of structure will be lost to this abbreviated, quicker and "easier" way of writing. Shakespeare would have a stroke if he saw the text messages that get sent today!
As for healthy living... it's a challenge.. but you and I can share recipes and ideas cos you know I'm here! We can go for a walk together with Muffin as well if you want!
Bianka - that's funny. Before working there, that sort of thing didn't bother me... but now because it's so constant a thing that people say things wrong. Another thing I hate is Myers. There has NEVER been an 'S' on the end of the name. The store is MYER! I know it's not a big deal and 3 years ago, wouldn't have bothered me much... but every single day, at least once, someone says Myers. Oh well.
Thanks for commenting guys, appreciate it. Good to know people are still reading! :P
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