Hello Hello
So today was day 2! Another rip roaring success. LOL... OK.. maybe that's an Over Statement!
I had a delicious bowl of mini-wheats for breakfast, then we headed over to Ulverstone to visit with the folks cos mum just got back from Dubai or Dohar or Qatar... one of those places. No idea really... the place with the camels and the desert and shit. While there we had an improptue lunch of sausages on the BBQ.. just cos we were there (obviously not part of the plan!). For dinner tonight we had spaghetti. Adventurous I know. But, we're a bit povo this week and pay day is Thursday, so we'll see...
Now, exercise. I did 30minutes on the treadmill this afternoon after we got home from Ulverstone. I'd forgotten how much it kills me! 5 minutes in and I was fucked! But I did it. I made sure I did my 30 minutes. I varied the speed between 3.5 & 4.5kms.... Also on the program for today was a 30min walk in the park. Now, that didn't happen because it was spitting rain when we got home and we thought it was going to rain... plus, I was fucked. Been too long since I gave the treadmill a decent go. So, today wasn't completely on plan, but I'm not disappointed and I don't feel I've cheated, because that half an hour was enough for today. Tomorrow is a different story!
So, was all good today... I'm going to have some fruit in a minute and watch the new episode of DEXTER! OMG, I frickin love Dexter.
Today's blog is just a quick update of the day... hopefully I'll be back in the swing of deep and meaningful postings soon! :P Gotta vent somewhere, right? LOL
ok so i said i'd comment and now i have nothing to say but i'm very proud of you for starting over again and yay for david getting rid of the junk food for a while.
Bianka... I'm so glad you made a comment! Yay!! :P David getting rid of junk food is amazing...
I will see you at work lovely!
Gazzy. xoxox
Hey Gaz, I'm really proud of you for admitting defeat then getting back up on the horse and having another go. That's what it's about! Knowing you are gonna have bad days as well as good ones helps you prepare.
And I cannot believe Dave is giving up having junk food in the house! He must love you! (Good boy Dave!)
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