Well... you know.. my last couple of posts were Emo and talking about the future and asking the big questions and blah blah...
I bored myself. I got sick of thinking and contemplating and planning ahead... I don't want to worry so much about what's ahead, especially the things I cannot change. I want to think about the present, the here and now...
And right here, right now... it's time for my confessions... I've sat myself in my confession box (also called the chair in front of the computer).
Forgive me Blogger for I have sinned. It's been 7 weeks since my last blog entry...
I've eaten several meals of take-away food. I've enjoyed apple pies and chocolates. I've indulged my un-healthy cravings for sugars and fats... and I have gained 3.7 kilos because I've not resisted the evil temptations of hellishly deliciously disgusting badness...
And my penance? Well, I don't think reciting the our father or hail mary is going to fix anything, so how about something a little more practical... 1. Don't eat crap 2. Exercise 3. Enjoy life.
I wanna stress more than ever that this is not a 'diet'. My blog is about my life... the ups and downs and boredom and excitement and adventure and fun and learning and experience and all that food, good and bad... I want this blog to reflect a change I'm trying to make in my life and that why I focus on food and exercise, because these are the parts of my lifestyle that I am trying to change...
During my 7 week absence from the blog, it wasn't all bad... Except for the day after Halloween I've not drunk soft drink... I've barely had any chocolate (I've had other things, but chocolate used to be a big thing for me, so better to stay away completely). I've still been eating chicken and salad sandwiches on wholemeal for lunch. I've only missed breakfast maybe 3 times. These things aren't an effort any more.... Even wandering around town needing a drink, I bought bottled water instead of coke like I used to. So some of my old habits are gone and I feel confident that they are gone for good... But I still need to work on getting an exercise routine and healthy meal choices instead of easy and fatty options....
Basically... what I'm trying to say is... I'M BACK! The Blog is Back... and I'm considering 'Gazzy in Tazzy' as more of an online chronicle of my life and not a blow-by-blow diet description. So, I hope you all enjoy reading and I really urge everyone to leave comments and interact with me and each other... I really enjoy reading your comments and hearing opinions and questions and whatever you wanna say...
Here we go....
OMG! I can't believe you've taken the plunge and blogged again! Well done you!
I'm looking forward to catching up on all the funny little things you say.
Love...Mum 2 xxx
Yep... plunge taken.. Really need to get back on track and doing the blog really helps... I also love reading peoples comments and suggestions... so keep them coming (that's for everyone!)
I'll try to say funny little things! :)
Alrighty love... Keep Reading, Keep Commenting!
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