It's Monday... for most, the day to be back at work and suffering that horrid condition of monday-itis. Not for me. Having worked yesterday it was a day off today. Up early (for a day off) and Special K for breaky. Did the washing and some housework then drove of to visit my mum. Spent a few hours there having a wonderful catch up and chat. She's just got back from a holiday and was telling about the lifestyles of the people she met. She had a marvelous time and it makes me want to travel - hmmm... After a few hours of chat with mum I drove around to my sisters place to catch up with her and her husband and kids. Haven't spent much time with them and they're only a half hour away... so it was great to catch up... So I gossiped there for a couple of hours too and then headed home... By the time I got home it was about 5pm and I realised I didn't have lunch! Ooops! Not supposed to skip meals. I ate a banana and then caught up on some internet surfing... before David got home and we had dinner. Steak with salad and some leftover risotto. Was delicious.
So that was my day off. Not really exciting to read about, but was a good day... it's always nice to spend time with family...
My sister is heading to uni next year... and David's sister is also heading to uni... Got me to thinking... Why the hell aren't I going to uni? Hmmm... I know why!! Because we have a lot of debt that we need to get rid of... Now I remember. So, I'm thinking another year of work and budgetting to try to pay off all our debts ASAP... and then maybe school. I don't hate my job (compared to some others I can think of) but I also don't want to do this job till I retire... I feel I am capable of doing more and I feel like this job is making me lazy... physically and mentally. So, I need to fix that and do something...
But I'm a procrastinator... so I'll get around to it!
Anyways my pretties... I'm heading off... Hope you've all had an alright Monday and just remember the weekend is one day closer now!
Good Night!