Monday, 30 November 2009

Social Monday

It's Monday... for most, the day to be back at work and suffering that horrid condition of monday-itis. Not for me. Having worked yesterday it was a day off today. Up early (for a day off) and Special K for breaky. Did the washing and some housework then drove of to visit my mum. Spent a few hours there having a wonderful catch up and chat. She's just got back from a holiday and was telling about the lifestyles of the people she met. She had a marvelous time and it makes me want to travel - hmmm... After a few hours of chat with mum I drove around to my sisters place to catch up with her and her husband and kids. Haven't spent much time with them and they're only a half hour away... so it was great to catch up... So I gossiped there for a couple of hours too and then headed home... By the time I got home it was about 5pm and I realised I didn't have lunch! Ooops! Not supposed to skip meals. I ate a banana and then caught up on some internet surfing... before David got home and we had dinner. Steak with salad and some leftover risotto. Was delicious.

So that was my day off. Not really exciting to read about, but was a good day... it's always nice to spend time with family...

My sister is heading to uni next year... and David's sister is also heading to uni... Got me to thinking... Why the hell aren't I going to uni? Hmmm... I know why!! Because we have a lot of debt that we need to get rid of... Now I remember. So, I'm thinking another year of work and budgetting to try to pay off all our debts ASAP... and then maybe school. I don't hate my job (compared to some others I can think of) but I also don't want to do this job till I retire... I feel I am capable of doing more and I feel like this job is making me lazy... physically and mentally. So, I need to fix that and do something...

But I'm a procrastinator... so I'll get around to it!

Anyways my pretties... I'm heading off... Hope you've all had an alright Monday and just remember the weekend is one day closer now!

Good Night!

Sunday, 29 November 2009

The Weekend Blog

So, I've been absent a couple of days. I'm sorry. Let's get the food report out of the way first...

Friday - Crunchy Nut Cornflakes for breakfast, coffee before work, chicken & salad sandwich for lunch with coffee. I finished late Friday night and we didn't have anything in the house that wasn't frozen. So, we had takeaway... (Shock! Horror!) WAIT... We had Dave's Noodles (for you non-locals - it's like Noodle Box, a stir-fry noodle place). A much better choice than McDonald's or KFC, right?

Saturday - Crunchy Nut Cornflakes again. No work, so no coffee. Had 2 minute noodles for lunch. I got a little adventurous and made my very first risotto for dinner. Mushroom and Bacon Risotto. Was yummy yummy. So this day was a bit of a carb heavy day, but I did also do 2 lots of 30 minutes treadmill walking as well. Had to catch up Flash/Forward episodes, so I watched them and walked! I had to put a half a glass of white wine in the risotto, so... oops, I drank the rest of the bottle. My bad!

And that brings us to today.... Crunchy Nut yet again (they is yummy!). Work... I was gonna take some left over risotto for lunch but forgot it, so I actually skipped lunch... I'll be honest here... I had $2 in my pocket and I bought a small tiny bag of BBQ potato chips cos I was Hungry! Then for dinner tonight we had burritos. I had the light whole grain tortillas cos they taste just as good and are better for ya!

All in all, not the best few days but not the worst by far... And like I said when I restarted this blog... it's not about being strict and being perfect, cos that wouldn't work. It's about making better choices. And although my choices the last few days haven't 'screamed' health nut, compared to the choices that I would've made... it's pretty good in my books.

I don't want to rush and get all this weight off... I mean, it would be great to wake up tomorrow and be thin and just have to worry about maintaining my weight - but that's a fairy tale. The best way for me to do it is to do it slowly and do the right things....

So, while at work today getting abused... I realised that people are dumb. I mean, not all people... but it seems a lot. There was one girl who sounded like a teenager (16 at least) that didn't know what the fuck I was talking about when I asked for the initial of the person she was looking for. I mean... What? It wasn't a trick question love.. People can't spell... people can't write. People don't know stuff... stuff that I thought was general knowledge. I mean, what the fuck is happening? Is it that kids don't give a shit enough to learn or are schools dumbing down the lessons to match the IQ of the students? When I was a student there were lots of things I didn't get.. that was the point wasn't it... LEARN IT! Look it up and learn it.

I guess with everyone having Google and Wikipedia access on their phones now, they don't need to know or remember stuff. I used to try to remember shit cos god forbid I would have to lug out the old encyclopedia to find out what the fuck it meant again.

So, what is it? Is it kids not caring to learn? Is it teachers dumbing down the lessons? Is it technology making people lethargic? (Google search that word kids) I don't get it. I think it's embarassing to have a mass amount of spelling mistakes and for sentences to not make sense. I sometimes re-read my blog postings 2 or 3 times to make sure it reads right (Not always, so don't grade me and email me with big red circles please). I just don't understand...

Anyways, that's my little gripe for today.... let me know what you think. I obviously don't have kids and it's been a few years since I left school... and the students today seems so far removed from what my friends and I were like at school. I repeated year 12, so I left school in 2001... not all that long ago, still this century... and the difference is monumental. Maybe some of you folks out there are students... or have student-aged children can shed some light on this for me???

Alrighty lovilies, I'm off. Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend.. and enjoy your bout of Monday-itis tomorrow!

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Just a Quickie

Hey all

I haven't forgotten about you... It's after 10pm now and I'm working tomorrow, so this is just a super quickie post to let you know that I'll will write a real entry tomorrow night... Sorry guys


Thursday, 26 November 2009

It's Weigh In Day...

Today is weigh in day... Now, we all know that I've been bad for several weeks and I've only been good for a couple of days... So... the result... 144.4kgs today. That's a LOSS of 0.3 in a couple of days... which is actually better than I expected. I was expecting to be exactly the same as last week. Now we all know that it's probably water or normal body fluctuations - but, I don't care. I'm taking it as a loss!! So there.

So, Kick Start Program day 4! 30mins treadmill before work - slept in a little so only did 20minutes, but still. Work work work. And that was it for today. We did grocery shopping after work today and we only just finished dinner (it's 9:25 as I write this) so I'm not catching up with extra walking tonight! I already want to go to bed!

And food... well, I had the usual mini wheats for breakfast. I know, I've been eating them for breakfast forever, you'd think I'd be sick of them... but no. They're delicious! I did buy some different cereal while shopping today. Coffee before work as usual. And then for lunch I decided to be adventurous and I bought sushi. Wowsers! I've never tried it before and I know it's supposed to be good for you so I bought some. I don't like fish, so they gave me a couple with chicken and a couple with ham.. and I ate half of one piece... and that was it. It wasn't horrible, it just... wasn't for me. Yeah, not for me at all. But, I've tried it. Bad thing tho... I didn't have time in my lunch break to go get something else, so I didn't have anything for lunch (unless the half a piece of sushi counts?). One of my rules was don't skip meals... but, oh well. Thems the breaks when you try something different I guess. So... after work... grocery shopping. Seemed to take forever. People in supermarkets are SO rude. They're rude and impatient and don't give a shit if they get in your way. I always say 'excuse me' when I walk in front of someone and always let people walk past me or whatever. But some old bitch come next me, bumped me with her trolley.. looked at me like I got in her way (I was standing there looking at stuff, not moving). Then she pushed her trolley past me and stopped to stand Right in front of me while she picked out what she wanted. UNBELIEVABLE. So frickin rude!! Anyway... we had ravioli for dinner. Yum.

While shopping I found some weight watchers dessert things that were on special. I grabbed a couple (damn multi-buy specials!) so I could test them out... I'll let you know what I think! :P

I'm pretty happy about everything today. I know there wasn't much of a loss on the scales, but it's only like day 4... so, what more could I expect, really??!? And I've feeling pretty good about being able to stick with it. David's even doing alright with the no junk food. I felt a little guilty and let him buy a little bit of chocolate while I have my weight watchers dessert things... I felt bad, he's been good. But, he does know (and is happy) that that is all he's getting for the 3 weeks. Except of course for what he can sneak in at work! :)

Alright guys, I'm heading off for the night. I'll be back tomorrow...

Catch ya on da flip side

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Hump Day

Wednesday already huh... That just means Christmas is another day closer - Holy Crap! Haven't done anything... Before that... My birthday is only a couple of weeks away! Holy Crap!

Anyways... today was good. The usual mini-wheats for breakfast, Coffee before work, Coffee and Chicken and Salad sandwich for lunch, a Banana when I got home from work and Beef Strog with Whole Grain brown rice for dinner. Was gonna buy some green vegies while I was at the supermarket yesterday, but I totally forgot... and so I went without tonight. It's payday tomorrow so we'll go get some fresh and yummy healthy fruit and veg tomorrow!

The kick-start exercise plan for today was 2 lots of 30mins on the treadmill. One before work and one after work... but I totally slept in and didn't have time to do the 30mins before. Oops. But to make it up to myself I did a 45min treadmill this afternoon instead! Good for me!

And that the report for today. I was at work all day so not much to report on, unless you want to hear about customers who are arrogant, uneducated and impolite. Didn't think so.

I tell you something though, I have the biggest cravings for food right now. I've actually eaten a decent, reasonable amount of food for today... but I totally want to eat the left over spaghetti from last night or a bread roll with vegemite or Something... Notice what those things I'm craving are?? CARBS. It's frickin 9:30 at night I want to eat a crap load of carbs! What the...???

I've managed to stay away from crap during the day and don't even really notice any desire to consume... but once dinner is eaten and I'm not doing stuff... it's on... I wanna stuff my face with fatty carby sugary goodness.

BUT NO... I've managed to stay away... but I'm going to have some fruit in a minute, some two fruits. I don't think a little bit of fruit at night can be that bad... right?

Anyways lovelies, I best be off. David is waiting for me so we can watch the new episode of V... anyone remember V from the 80's??? Well, the US have remade it and it's really good. Look out for it...

Good Night All

Comment please. Any recipe/meal ideas or ANY suggestions are Very Welcome.


Tuesday, 24 November 2009

So that would make today.... Day Two!

Hello Hello

So today was day 2! Another rip roaring success. LOL... OK.. maybe that's an Over Statement!

I had a delicious bowl of mini-wheats for breakfast, then we headed over to Ulverstone to visit with the folks cos mum just got back from Dubai or Dohar or Qatar... one of those places. No idea really... the place with the camels and the desert and shit. While there we had an improptue lunch of sausages on the BBQ.. just cos we were there (obviously not part of the plan!). For dinner tonight we had spaghetti. Adventurous I know. But, we're a bit povo this week and pay day is Thursday, so we'll see...

Now, exercise. I did 30minutes on the treadmill this afternoon after we got home from Ulverstone. I'd forgotten how much it kills me! 5 minutes in and I was fucked! But I did it. I made sure I did my 30 minutes. I varied the speed between 3.5 & 4.5kms.... Also on the program for today was a 30min walk in the park. Now, that didn't happen because it was spitting rain when we got home and we thought it was going to rain... plus, I was fucked. Been too long since I gave the treadmill a decent go. So, today wasn't completely on plan, but I'm not disappointed and I don't feel I've cheated, because that half an hour was enough for today. Tomorrow is a different story!

So, was all good today... I'm going to have some fruit in a minute and watch the new episode of DEXTER! OMG, I frickin love Dexter.

Today's blog is just a quick update of the day... hopefully I'll be back in the swing of deep and meaningful postings soon! :P Gotta vent somewhere, right? LOL


Monday, 23 November 2009

Kick Start Program... Day 1

So my self devised and inflicted 'kick-start' program started today... I did make plans like I said I would! Day One: 30 minute walk before walk with Fran. Done. Don't Eat Crap. Done.

OK, so, day one was pretty relaxed I guess :P

But, I'm doing the 'kick-start' thing for 3 weeks, however because I only get my roster a week in advance, I've only been able to plan up until this Sunday. As soon as my next roster gets delivered to me, I will plan the next week... So, anyways, this is the plan for the rest of the week:

Tues: No work, so 30min walk on the treadmill and a walk around the park for a minimum of 30minutes.
Wed: 30min on the treadmill before work AND a minimum of 20 more minutes after work.
Thurs: 30min on the treadmill before work.
Fri: 45min on the treadmill before work.
Sat: No work again, so 45minutes on the treadmill AND a minimum of 30 minutes of one of the Biggest Loser DVDs.
Sun: 30min on the treadmill before work.

And that's all I've got until the next roster comes out.

That's exercise, no let's talk food...

As my regular readers, family and friends would be aware, my partner David is a bit of chocolate, junk food, take away junkie. Well, we've had a discussion... and wait for it (Kerry, are you reading?) He has agreed to not have ANY JUNK FOOD in the house for the 3 weeks I'm doing my kick-start program. This is fantastic for me, for more than one reason! It means I don't have to try to resist the temptation to eat junk food that's sitting in the cupboard, cos there wont be any in the cupboard. It's excellent!!! The only exception he made was Coke. Which I'm not even concerned about, because I don't want to drink that crap! I'm not even slightly tempted!
So, very happy with that massive show of support from him!

As far as food today... I'm sure you can see the pics above... MiniWheats, Coffee before work (after the walk), sandwich and coffee, and homemade hamburger for dinner (we're easing into this thing!) LOL

Basically, the plan is to keep things pretty basic. Eat good food, Never Skip a Meal, Exercise more.. try to have some fruit or other healthy snack in the mornings and/or afternoon and most important (but, not that hard to do anymore) Drink Lots of Water!!

So that's today and that's the plan. Suggestions? Comments? Reward and Punishment ideas??
I hope you guys keep me honest and make me report everything I do and don't do..

Christmas is so close... Oh God!!

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Where's the motivation???

I know it's been a coupla days already... Honestly it's because I'm partly ashamed and embarrased... I declared the fact I want to do this again and do it right and do it now... and the truth is I haven't been that good the last couple of days.

I always start off well... Breakfast, go to work, chicken and salad sandwich for lunch and then I get home and think, "Fuck Cooking! Who could be fucked?" And it's not like I have someone here with me to motivate me to eat better. I wish I could have a personal motivater living with me, so that when I said "Fuck Cooking, let's just get take away..." my live-in motivator would respond with - "Get your FAT ASS in the KITCHEN and cook something HEALTHY. You'll feel better for it. It won't take long - think of how good you'll feel!"

Fit Garry used to argue that point... but, Fit Garry seems to be in hibernation or on vacation or something... he's just not there at the moment. And Fat Garry's too lazy to get his act into gear....

Having said this, I've just got back from a walk with Fran from work. We've been walking maybe 3 or 4 times in the last 2 weeks. Not enough really, but not nothing either. I need to get more exercise... and I really don't have much of an excuse not to. I have a treadmill and a rowing machine in the house! In the HOUSE! In front of the TV none the less.

And here's where I'm gonna whinge for a second... (more)...

It's hard to motivate yourself to do these things. Even when you know the effort is worth it, even when you're so disappointed in yourself for Not doing it... even when you've noticed how much unhappier you've felt the last few weeks from not doing these things... Even with all that knowledge of health, happiness and pride... It's hard to do it. [METAPHOR ALERT!] It's hard to put down the hamburger while sitting in front of the TV and walk somewhere to have a salad.

Whinge over... so feel free to pay attention again now! :)

I know I need to do something and I'm going to...

Do you wanna know the plan??? Do ya? Do ya??

Well, I'm going to work out a 2 or 3 week sort of 'boot camp' for myself. Something to kick start me back into the game. I will need to sit down with my work roster and David and work out meals, exercise, times and all that stuff. I will do this and I will work out rewards and punishments as part of the plan... What do you think? Good Idea? Bad Idea? Will it work? Opinions please... HELP!

Alrighty guys... have a good night. As always, comments welcome!!

P.S. It's my 27th Birthday in about 3 weeks... Exciting??? Maybe... But what about the cake?


Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Where the Hell Have You Been???

Well... you know.. my last couple of posts were Emo and talking about the future and asking the big questions and blah blah...

I bored myself. I got sick of thinking and contemplating and planning ahead... I don't want to worry so much about what's ahead, especially the things I cannot change. I want to think about the present, the here and now...

And right here, right now... it's time for my confessions... I've sat myself in my confession box (also called the chair in front of the computer).

Forgive me Blogger for I have sinned. It's been 7 weeks since my last blog entry...
I've eaten several meals of take-away food. I've enjoyed apple pies and chocolates. I've indulged my un-healthy cravings for sugars and fats... and I have gained 3.7 kilos because I've not resisted the evil temptations of hellishly deliciously disgusting badness...

And my penance? Well, I don't think reciting the our father or hail mary is going to fix anything, so how about something a little more practical... 1. Don't eat crap 2. Exercise 3. Enjoy life.

I wanna stress more than ever that this is not a 'diet'. My blog is about my life... the ups and downs and boredom and excitement and adventure and fun and learning and experience and all that food, good and bad... I want this blog to reflect a change I'm trying to make in my life and that why I focus on food and exercise, because these are the parts of my lifestyle that I am trying to change...

During my 7 week absence from the blog, it wasn't all bad... Except for the day after Halloween I've not drunk soft drink... I've barely had any chocolate (I've had other things, but chocolate used to be a big thing for me, so better to stay away completely). I've still been eating chicken and salad sandwiches on wholemeal for lunch. I've only missed breakfast maybe 3 times. These things aren't an effort any more.... Even wandering around town needing a drink, I bought bottled water instead of coke like I used to. So some of my old habits are gone and I feel confident that they are gone for good... But I still need to work on getting an exercise routine and healthy meal choices instead of easy and fatty options....

Basically... what I'm trying to say is... I'M BACK! The Blog is Back... and I'm considering 'Gazzy in Tazzy' as more of an online chronicle of my life and not a blow-by-blow diet description. So, I hope you all enjoy reading and I really urge everyone to leave comments and interact with me and each other... I really enjoy reading your comments and hearing opinions and questions and whatever you wanna say...

Here we go....
