Weigh In Panic...
Day Late Weigh In... OMG... It's a bad result... worse than I thought, but given the horrible food and inactivity all week... I guess I shouldn't be so surprised... It is a wake up call to get back on the wagon though... so here's goes... truth time... 145.9!!!!! A 2.6 kg GAIN since LAST WEEK! OMG... That is a lot of weight to gain in a week... I'm very disappointed with myself... but it's done and I need to focus on getting things right from now on...
OK... well... Tonight is only a very quick update... I'm very excited I have a small break from work of 5 days... Going to Launceston for 3 days... which will just be lovely... But for now, David's waiting for me... and I better get off here... just wanted to update with the weigh in... Feel free to leave a comment about how terrible I am... I know, I know... it's BAD BAD BAD!
Yes you are very, very bad and I think you need to be punished severely by being forced to drink copious amounts of white wine with me over the next few days! (giggle) xxx
well, if that's my punishment I will just have to accept it... lol xoxo
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