Emotional Eating

So, as you can tell from the title... I want to talk about emotional eating. I've touched on this before when I've felt the need to binge on crappy food after a bad day but during those 5 days off last week there was such a dramatic difference in motivation and self control that I was a little bit shocked on how extremely my mood can alter my commitment to my health. Crazy. While away for those few days, it wasn't hard for me to not over-indulge and to choose better options - I was more active and felt good and maybe even a little more confident. On the drive home from Launceston, David and I talked about how I can change habits and more forward in a more active & healthier way. It felt like a whole new kick-start, like I felt when starting this blog... And the next day, I went to work... my first caller was a bitch. And for the 8 hours after her the stupidity of people and the rudeness and arrogance of these customers was incredible. I also had some financial issues that were pressing and needed to be addressed... and basically - it was a bad day... and I broke and binged. We had KFC that night... and the decision to buy it felt good... the actual eating of it was good... the taste the smell... all those triggers that we look for from food were there... and it was wonderful. Until after... After we ate and those gnawed on chicken bones were left sitting in that greasy cardboard and I looked at those empty containers I thought to myself, "What the hell was that about??" Really??
So what was it about? Obviously I need some positive emotional reinforcement from somewhere... and I was trying to get that positive feeling from a box full of deep fried chicken. Why would it be there?? Why do I think that eating is going to make me feel better? Usually I feel gross and disappointed after I eat it... but while I'm eating it, it's so good... So how do I stop this? What am I missing?
Therapy?? Is that the answer? Or hypnosis? Maybe one of these options can flick the switch inside my head that makes me do things... Maybe... I dunno...
It seems more and more that my blog has become a place for me to complain and bitch and put up excuses for not doing anything... Which sucks!
I'm even thinking about doing a fitness course or a nutrition course or something... I mean, surely learning about how the body works with these things I would learn what is good and bad for me... You know what I mean?? Well, it's an idea... what do you think??
Alright, well... I just wanted to talk about that stuff. I will be back soon with a proper update or something... please leave any suggestions you may have in the comments...??
Do the nutrition course, do the fitness course, join a bootcamp style group, do something.
You do bitch and moan, yeah. We all do, its a part of the human condition - don't worry about that so much. You can complain as much as you like, provided that behind the scenes you're cycling, swimming, jogging or keeping active one way or another.
Also, I hate to be 'that guy' but is David a positive or negative enabler? If he lets you cave in and buy KFC with his full knowledge and consent then that shit has to change. He's the best means of support you have so he needs to be aware that when you suggest something that doesn't fit your goals, he should be able to suggest an alternative solution.
You say "movie marathon?", he says "Lets go for a walk around the block instead"
You suggest "KFC for dinner?", he tries "what about I whip up a chicken and salad wrap"
You cry "I need chocolate to make it through the day!" and he gives you a huge hug, a kiss on the forehead and says "I'm proud of the hard work you've put in so far - don't let that all come unravelled just because some bitch with a poor attitude and leopard-skin tights got all up in your face" ...or something along those lines.
I always sound like I'm yelling at you... I'm not yelling at you, know that much at least... Look lady, I love the fact you've decided to do this for yourself it is even more gutsy that you're prepared to let the world watch.
I know you can. I have faith in you, remember there's nothing that crops up in the day-to-day bullshit of life that can't be laughed off later... it's not worth a snickers, although it may deserve a fresh juicy peach... you get where I'm coming from? Good, now go get 'em Tiger!
Sorry my favourite brother Dave but I have to agree! You need to tell Gaz not to get KFC coz he has had a bad day! Gaz, you are never going to be able to do this if you don't have Dave's full support... What you have is an addiction, just like your filthy smoking and the only way to fix an addiction is with support from your family. I am too far away to slap you when you are naughty but i can growl at you through the blog.. NO MORE KFC, I DON'T GIVE A F$#K HOW BAD YOUR DAY WAS, AND THAT SHIT IS EXPENSIVE! Have you seen Super Size Me?? It is just as easy to call into Woolies and grab a pre packed salad and a piece of chicken! Dave can parma his if he likes, you have yours plain, bit of sauce, yummo! Once you get in the ZONE you will be fine. You know I love you so I have to be honest. Dave - start supporting your man! We want him here for a while yet! Lots of love....Meagz xxxxxxx
I totally agree with Meagz!!! We love you too much to let you eat (and smoke) yourself into an early grave!
Dave...you could be more supportive, give it a go, you'll reap the emotional rewards.
Love you both lots...Mum 2 xxxxxxx
When you think about it, the only solution is for you to move back to Launceston so that Meagz and I can kick your arse into gear! Lol. You said yourself you have a great time every time you're here...xxx
Wow your first two commenter's were spot on! Hope to see you blogging soon. Of course I am a hypocrite as I am a week behind but well you know how that goes. Hahah
Hi Guys
Thanks for your comments... I will be returning... I guess your comments made me think about where I am and what I need to do... And I know I need to do something.
So please, don't abandon me, I will return soon...
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