So, that's that... there you go... Not great, but you know...
Now for some bitching, as usual...
So, this is gonna sound petty or stupid, but it bugs me. Sometimes at work people say 'thank you and god bless'. I find this incredibly rude. It's mostly old people and I know they're just trying to be nice and whatever, but it's rude. They don't know what religion I am or if I follow a religion at all... if I was a satanist, would they like me to end a call with "May Satan follow your children through life" or even Mohammad bless or whatever religious reference I like?? I mean, this very simple gesture of politeness just seems very rude to me. It's just rude to assume anything about me....
One time I had a guy call up, probably in his 30's I reckon and he asked for Scissor Sisters in Queensland (i think) it was a hairdresser. It did come up straight away so I tried to make small talk and said to him "that's a band isn't it?" He said, "Yeah, a faggot band." So I learnt to keep my mouth shut and just get on with it...
The only thing I assume about people is that they're slightly intelligent... but usually I'm proved wrong!
OK... I'm done... that was my bitch! The end!
So, what else has been doin? Well, not much at all really... We're only 8 months away from Halloween... and I think it's going to be big this year... I think I mentioned we're having a Carnival this year... We've been researching what we want to have and the best and cheapest way to make things. I think it's going to be a lot of fun this year...
Does anyone know what's happening with this internet filter?? Or this internet ombudsman?? I saw on Sunrise all this stuff about people leaving offensive comments and stuff on certain Facebook pages about that girl that was murdered and that people were demanding an ombudsman to monitor and control what content people are leaving....
OK... I understand that the people leaving these messages are the lowest form of scum. It is horrible to think that people would do this... but they do it. People are like this... and I think it's the responsibility of the people that host these websites, pages, forums or whatever it is, to monitor their sites and delete this they think are inappropriate. Do we really need a government authority to dictate what we can and can not do online? If you're offended by something or are disturbed by something you find online... close it, don't look at it... whatever... block it from your personal computer... Are we really to the point that we want a government to filter the whole countries access to information?? China has a internet filter, but they're communist... I thought the whole idea of Freedom was exactly that... Freedom to view/read/learn whatever we want...
I'm off the Soap Box now... I'm sorry...
Alright... That's me for today... I'll be back tomorrow night! Have a wonderful Monday night! xoxo
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