I'm so so sorry everyone. I know I've been away and back and away and back and I've been a bit all over the show with the blog for the last few months, but I really want to get back into the swing of things and that's what I'm planning on doing! I've developed a sort-of structure for blog posts, so I'm hoping that will help keep me focused on the blog and my personal goals.
I've been 'off-line' for around 3 weeks now... we've been struggling a bit financially and internet access wasn't a priority compared to some other expenses. But I'm back now and this blog isn't about money, it's about me... and what better topic!!
Three Week Absence means 3 un-reported weigh in days have passed... so, here we go...
11/02 - 143.3 a 0.1 gain
18/02 - 143.8 a 0.5 gain
25/02 - 143.3 a 0.5 loss... which gives me a February Result of +0.9kgs. Well, that's about 3.9kilos away from the goal of a 3 kilo loss... OOOPS!
I just wanna say... that work has given me a new outlook on Australia's education system. I appreciate good spelling and conversations with educated people - at least people that know what they're talking about - those conversations you have with those people that are making shit up as you go along really pisses me off. But it's those 'customers' that abuse me and act so superior when they absolutely know nothing! It would be fine if they said, "I'm looking for this, but I have no idea..." But the other day I had a really, really 'uneducated' (PC) person.She was on a mobile and it was very hard to hear and this is how it went:

"Did you say Ausfarm?"
"Yes" (frustrated)
"Is that O-Z or A-U-S?"
"For Fucks Sake... it's Ausfarm"
"OK. Is it spelt O-Z or A-U-S?"
"Don't you know how to fucking spell?"
"Yes, but there are different -"
"Fucks Sake! It's OZ, as in O-Z and then Farm. You know what a farm is? Where fucking sheep live?"
"For Fucks Sake. Farm! P-H-A-R-M!
PHARM... Where sheep live!!! What the fuck is that about?? Unbelievable. And the thing that made it worse was her attitude. Totally oblivious to her own stupidity!! I know even if she ever finds my blog, I'm safe... I doubt she'd be able to read it!!
Also at work the other day was a call for Catholic Church Insurance. Now, I know the church is a business and even better for them, they're tax exempt because they're a faith organisation... but this really made me laugh. I mean, isn't their whole message that god protects and provides for all of his followers? And what? Just in case god fails you and you're house is flooded and you loose everything... you've got the Jesus approved insurance policy? New for Old Replacement on All Your Bibles!!! I would love to see some of those TV commercials!! Can you imagine the old door-to-door insurance salesman with the preacher mixed in. Have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior? No. Do you have full comprehensive? I mean really....
And doesn't that piss you off? The fact religion gets tax exemption. I think that would be ok if the church stuck to the church, but Sanitarium (owners of Weet-Bix) is owned by a church (I forgot which) so are exempt from paying tax on all the profit they make from selling those popular wheat bricks! Maybe Mr. L Ron Hubbard had it right... create a religion if you really make some money....

Well... I think I should wrap it up there for tonight... But I will be back.. and not in 3 weeks time!
Good Evening You'All... and please, comments if you enjoy or have any suggestions for the blog, for weight loss or even just words of encouragement or ANYTHING you want to say... All opinions and comments are welcome.... See ya soon!
Hello stranger, when are you guys coming up for the Tom Jones show? I need to know whether you're staying here or what the plan is.
I agree, people really need to learn how to speak and spell basic english, especially when they're correcting you! Oh, by the way, to lose something is one "o" and if something's loose...it's 2 "o"s. :)
Hey love... sorry I didn't reply sooner... was gonna call, but I keep getting distracted...
Umm... we're coming up Monday morning and the plan was to stay at yours monday and tuesday... David's birthday Tuesday so wanted to stay up there for that... so you'll have to put up with us Mon-Wed... is that all good??
Love xoxo
Sounds good to me! It'll be great to catch up, I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about...it's been a while!
too long! xoxox
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