Well it was a pretty uneventful work day today... my back has been playing up for about a week. It's been coming and going for a year or so and I've been to the doc a couple of times - and they basically just say 'Get Over It'... so I guess I just have to live with it. I know if I lost some weight it would help with my back pain - not to mention a lot of other health related issues I guess. It's just so hard to stay motivated.
The good thing about even starting the blog is that I got rid of a couple of bad habits right from the start... I try never to skip meals and I don't drink soft drink at all (except occasionally mixed with scotch - but that is rare!) So, despite my weight not falling off me lately like when I started the blog, it also hasn't ballooned up to some crazy weight or even back up to where I started at 151.3.... so it's not all bad!
So today I was at work and my back was killing me... and I just couldn't get the pain to go away - took the pain killers, tried to stretch my back (without looking like too much of a dickhead) and I just couldn't sit there, I had to go home... so as bad as it is... I had to leave work on my lunch break, which sucks... When I got home I went for a little walk to loosen my back up and moved around to try to help.. so it's feeling a bit better now... Don't know if it's the moving and walking or all those pain killers - but, either way...

Let's get to business... this morning I had Nutri-Grain for breakfast again, 2-min noodles for lunch today and for dinner (please don't hit me!) Garlic Chicken with chips - I know, I know... And I'm not going to start trying to justify myself or give excuses... i had chips - deal with it.
So, I've been saying how I want to get back on track and get this weight-loss thing cracking again like when I first started... and I tell you, every night when I go to bed I tell myself to get up earlier and go for a walk... and when that doesn't happen I tell myself to go for a walk after work - just do it... and when that doesn't happen and I'm snuggled up on the couch watching a movie with David, I tell myself tomorrow will be a different day and I go to bed telling myself to get up earlier and go for a walk... and the cycle is repeated... So, what's different? What in my mind has changed from June when I was walking and eating right and did the Leven Canyon walk that almost killed me... and started a running program and kept at it and really trying... What's different?
Usually I try to answer those types of questions, but I just don't know what's different. I don't know why I'm procrastinating about all this... I don't understand myself... Is that bad?? I don't know... I don't know how to change my ways... Perhaps just forcing myself to do something every day will form a new habit... I don't know... Suggestions? Ideas??
Speaking of Suggestions... Does anyone have an ideas for the blog itself? I'm very open to any suggestions or ideas on regular articles/topics or feedback at all... so please, leave a comment...
Any I might leave it there for tonight, because My Kitchen Rules is on and I keep getting distracted - love that show... really must have a dinner party because I have plenty of serving ware and rarely get to use it... Any volunteers to be guinea pigs to my cooking skills?? Thought not...
Good Night All...
Hi Garry,
I just wanted to say that I enjoy reading your Blog, as someone who has struggled with their weight for their entire life I'd just like to say I admire what you're doing.
It's so refreshing to sit here and read a mirror of my thoughts before bed and each morning, motivation is such a difficult thing to come by, but hey, you've lost a decent hunk of weight and haven't gone backwards, it's something to be proud of even if you've fallen into a rut lately.
Keep up the good work. :)
I know you're going to hate this, but if you want to get the weight loss thing going on I have a couple of suggestions that worked a charm for me.
1. Get rid of your fucking TV, it might be hard when you have someone else in the house that supports such a device, however without one you'll find that you actually do physical stuff instead of sitting there doing fuck all. I know it'll be hard, but it just means you'll have to go without Beaches for a while.
2. David could probably help you more. No need for him to be nasty about it, but it sounds like he might be a bit of a distraction - he needs to remind you that X time of the day is when you should be going for a jog, to the gym, to bootcamp or anything else you have scheduled to reach your goal.
3. On that note build yourself a diary that very clearly marks out what time you'll be working, when you'll be working out and what time you can socialise. STICK TO IT, with the exception of emergencies, don't think you can make subsitutions. Sounds a bit full on but it'll help you develop healthy habits in the long term.
I know I might sound like a bit of a harsh prick - but these are things that work, and you did ask!
I know you can do, and when you can call me up and tell me you're 100% percent happy with how you look, and you're feeling super-fucking-fabulous I'll be on the first plane over to celebrate with you... How's that for an incentive?
Anonymous - Whoever you are, thank you for your kind words. It's very appreciated! Thank You.... xoxo
Mutant - WOWSERS! First of all... thank you... You don't sound like a harsh prick at all... These are all things I should at least attempt to put into action.. maybe not get RID of the TV, as I love TV :P But you're right.. I'm complaining about everything but not changing anything and it's about time I got fucking serious!
AND... I haven't watched Beaches in FOREVER!!! xoxoxox
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