Friday 1 April 2011

Webisode 7 - March 2011

Hey all,

So here it is.. the long awaited.. Webisode 7...

If you haven't done so already, click HERE to go to the Gazzy In Tazzy Facebook page, click the LIKE button at the top of the page to get status updates related to the blog, updates when there are new posts on the blog and links to related stuff.. And always, feedback is Super Welcome - here or Facebook!!

AND.. The Bucket List post has been 'linked' on the right and I'll be crossing items off when they happen.. So, feel free to check back there every now and then to see what's been done and what's still to happen!

OK.. I'll stop talking.. Here's the video:

If you're new to Gazzy in Tazzy.. Here's the first episode.. and I've added links to all the others underneath! Just in case you really wanna catch up!!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done Garry... Very impressed with your progress!! Keep it up Leisa from QLD xx