Sunday, 4 April 2010

I Shall Return

Hey guys

I know it's been a while... I haven't been away and things are alright... just the comments that were left for me on my last posting made me think a lot about some personal stuff and what I want and need to do. And, I'm not saying I have all the answers and maybe there are things I should do that I don't want to do... but maybe I can work around some of my obstacles.

There was also some criticizing of David... And, I don't know what to tell you. He has a strange way of doing things sometimes... And maybe he's not as supportive in my weight-loss goals as he should be... but he does love me for who I am - and can I ask for much more? He is probably more addicted to the junk food than I am... but it doesn't effect his weight (greatly) - I know it effects his energy and health - but he doesn't see it and won't admit the damage it is doing to him...  

To The Mutant - Your comments and description of what he should say and the encouraging things that should be coming from him really did make me think. And to be honest, I'm still thinking.... It seems unfair of me to change my lifestyle and attitude towards food and exercise after 5 years of being together and expect the switch in his head to flick over as well... and I do want to give him the chance to be that person you described... But I also don't want to wake up in another 5 years time and be at the same place I am now... So, thank you for your encouraging words and for making me 'THINK' - because sometimes I really need a push to examine things.

Kerry & Meagz - You know David... Any suggestions?

So, anyways... this is a really quick post to let you all know I'm still alive and kicking... I've got some plans for the blog that I should have ready in the next month or so... so keep checking back for that... This post is really to reply to the comments and let you know I will return soon... Don't abandon me just yet....

Oh.. and there has been a couple of weigh ins since I posted last time... 

18th March = 144.7 (0.3 kg loss)
25th March = 144.7 (no change)
1st April = 143.9 (0.8 kg loss).... which was also the March Result weigh in... which gave March a disappointing 0.5 Gain... and a 0.5 loss for the year thus far... 

3 months in and only half a kilo gone - now that is motivation to get back on the fuckin wagon!!!

So, I shall return soon... I promise...
Comments, Suggestions and any feedback is always welcome!! 


Kerry said...

This is the 2nd time I've written this, gremlins, grrrr!
Anyway, welcome back stranger! I always check to see if you've blogged and tonight I am pleasantly surprised.
You know we only criticise Dave because we know he can take it and because it's fun taking the piss out of him! (I can say that...I'm his mother. LOL!!)
I know you say he loves you the way you are and that's brilliant but you obviously aren't happy with the way you are and he needs to support you to help bring about the changes you need to make. It's not going to be easy, but it is do-able and the only person that can make it happen is YOU my love!
Even though you only lost a total of half a kilo for the first quarter of 2010 (OMG it's April already!) it's still a LOSS and that's better than a gain, no matter how small. Don't see it as a failure but rather as a success. And think about a career change which will let you use the obvious intelligence that you have, instead of the dead-end job you're in now where ignorant people just frustrate you and add to your misery. And you need to get a hobby!
I hope I haven't bored you to death! Happy Easter you both heaps. Mum xxxxxx

Garry Wakefield said...

You're very right... As always...
I know, frickin April already!! Only a couple of weeks till your big trip away - can't wait for the slide show when you get back! :)

Career change would be wonderful and I know I need a hobby - any suggestions?? I have no idea... lol

As for Easter, it's probably a good thing I didn't blog every day over Easter, cos I'm an Easter Scrooge... Friday = Happy Execution Day and Sunday is Happy Zombie Day... So, maybe not the best thing to blog about... But, regardless... I hope you had a wonderful Easter break as well, if you got a break at all :(

Chat soon. Love to you two as well.

Gazzy xoxox

Krissie said...

Hi Gaz, just read your blog after a few weeks of not checking and bloody hell it is intense this week, must say that I actually disagree with The Mutant, Meagz and kerry on this, rule number one on anything should you want to succeed is you need to be able to do it for yourself and no one else. People encouraging is great,and Dave should help there to a certain point but in the end it is up to you and your will power to succeed and nothing Dave or anyone else says or does will alter that. You need to want to do it for you, Daves role should be to not eat crap in your presence at the moment until you feel like you have some control on it. Good luck, a loss is a loss and congrats to that. very proud of what you are doing and love you both. love Krissie

Garry Wakefield said...

Hi Krissie... thanks for leaving a comment! Appreciate all feedback! :)

And since I posted last I've been doing some soul-searching i guess you would call it and came to the same conclusion... You're totally right!

AND TO EVERYONE who's still reading --- I'll be posting on a more regular basis very soon, so keep checking back...

Gazzy. xoxox