Friday, 6 January 2023

2023 - Time to do it again?

It's been a bloody long time since I've written a blog post... and I really believed that I was done with Gazzy in Tazzy over a decade ago.

2011 was the year - a year of dedication to health, wellbeing and self-improvement, with some amazing results. There were big changes to my life then, with work, relationships - there was a big transitional period.

In the 11 years since the end of 2011 video, so much in my life has changed. I've changed jobs - I'm out of the call centre and now work in community services, supporting LGBTIAQ+ people. It's a bit of a dream job really. Before I changed jobs, I also started a community group for local queers that has expanded and grown over the last few years and has been a truly emotionally rewarding experience which I am very dedicated to. 

You might remember Adam from the videos back then, well, we are still together after all these years. I proposed a couple of years ago (he said yes) and we're planning a big international holiday together for later this year... 

And that brings to me to why I'm here... Dream Holiday. 

Once the blog ended, I continued to focus for a bit and work got busier, we moved in together, and priorities shifted. In the decade between, I've gained most (if not all) of the weight back, my knees and back hurt often, I have dieted on and off for years, I've developed issues with blood sugar, blood pressure, asthma, a reflux disorder and a terrible stomach with a real fun diverticulitis issue. FUN. 

After all of that - It's still be a challenge to focus on my health and wellbeing - I am working on getting diagnosed for Attention Deficient Disorder, which would explain so much of my life and issues. So... a bit has happened and a bit is happening... 

But... my dream holiday is coming up soon; September this year. 8 months away. Not long really... and if I was going tomorrow, I'd be fucked... So it's time to focus up and stop fucking around. It's been really difficult for me to focus on myself for a long, long time - even when the scary health stuff has happened - But, I DO NOT want to go on this holiday and not be able to walk the distance, or fit the rides, or manage the steps, or walk up the fucking hill. (The slightest incline seems to make breathing more difficult at the moment) - And also, I'm not postponing. I've wanted to go on this trip since I was 10 years old. 

Gazzy in Tazzy was not just about sharing the experience of my struggles - Blogging about the feelings and challenges helped me to focus and stay on track - and from the comments and interactions with others, they found it beneficial and relatable as well, to read about these challenges. 

The blog was not just about weight loss, food and exercise (although that was the main focus); I often got sidetracked and soap-boxed about some shit in the world - and tried and shared all sorts of things.

The dieting and adventures of this fat, gay Trekkie is back. Do people still read blogs?

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