Monday, 14 February 2011

Not-So-Motivational Monday

Hey everyone...

So, when the new year was here, I was super keen to get moving again. I had plans on what to do with the blog.. The movie reviews, the Hump-Day Hottie.. Weekly Updates on Weight stuff and at least Monthly Webisodes for big updates..

Well, what the fuck happened?? I dunno. I've been so down and out lately.. I don't know what it is, but I've felt less that motivated.. I've felt lethargic, depressed, uninspired. I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here.. I've still being weighing in.. but my heart hasn't been in it...

I want to share something too... I've noticed recently that I've been having mild anxiety issues. I had to go to the supermarket the other day, while David was at work.. and I REALLY had to force myself to actually go. I almost called someone to take me or come with me. That's how bad I'm getting.. and this is how my depression started all those years ago. I don't want to go back down that road so I know that I need to make some changes and get motivated and excited about life again.

I did go to the supermarket and it was fine.. But I guess I have a bit of a social phobia. I don't really socialise much... I go to work.. I come home.. Friends visit, I visit friends and family.. But I very very rarely go somewhere I haven't been before, I'm always in my 'safety zone'. I'm turning into crazy cat lady..

But that social phobia is keeping inside. I don't feel comfortable enough to walk around the block I live on by myself.. It sounds silly when I read it back and some of you reading will either get it or just think I'm crazy..

Maybe it's boredom as well.. Maybe I need to find some excitement, something new and different. A hobby?? or project?? Something that challenges me?? Suggestions are welcome.. ?!?!?!?

But I need to snap out of it and change all this. I never used to be like this and it's driving me crazy.. And a large part of my issue is my weight. I know if I can snap out of my funk and start moving and eating properly and lose a little.. I'll be more encouraged to keep going.. But it's getting to that hard part where if I don't just DO SOMETHING and FORCE myself to stick to it for a while.. I'm going to keep circling the drain.. and how awful would that be??




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Run a Marathon! :)