Friday, 7 January 2011

Friday Update!

So, it's been a week since the new year. Just so you know, the next video will be up on the first or second of February.

But I'm here to give you a “weekend” update, so.. what's been doing?? Well, over the last 4 nights I've been out walking three of them. Our pet ferret, Stinky, managed to escape (we think the neighbours had something to do with it) so those first 2 nights of walking were long, long walks trying to find the little fella. No luck from us... but we did find him. Someone a couple of blocks away from us called the RSPCA and they came and got him and looked after him for a night. They put an ad in the paper - luckily a friend of mine at work saw the ad and knew to let me know - and we got him back. Thank goodness. He's a stinky little bastard.. but he's adorable.. And we've had him for quite a long time now...

So, anyways... so 3 nights of walking and a big swim with Hannah in the first week, but once again my calorie intake (nice way of saying Stuffing Face Like Fat Pig!) has been too high and I've actually Gained weight this week. In reality, I have not really focused on what I've been eating... or making sure I eat when I should. In fact, most of those days was no food, no food, no food.. pig out at end of day. And I think that's one of the biggeest problems I have. The advice everyone has given me over the years has always been the same. Eat smaller, healthier, more often. So week 2 (the current week) is Food Focus Week. I'm taking photos of everything like I used to and trying to eat less.. more often.

I remember posting on the blog a long time ago about how strangers feel the need to tell fat people they are fat.. I think I told you about the old woman who when I was in grade 6 or 7 stopped me in the street to tell me I would get diabetes and die. The woman about 4 years ago who at a band function with my in-laws who told me I shouldn't be drinking so much champagne because of the calories and I'll get diabetes and die. 2 years ago, the young couple walking behind me sniggering at the fact my shoelace was undone and I was too fat to tie them... And just 2 nights ago.. while walking along the highway.. someone yelling out their car window "Fat C*nt!"

I don't know what goes through these peoples heads before they open their mouths. I mean, I could ALMOST understand those first 2 examples. Perhaps they've lost someone close to them due to weight related issues.. or whatever. I still don't think that gives the right to say something to me. The only people I want to hear stuff like that from is people who actually give a crap about Me.. Personally.
And I can't say I've never joked about someone on the street because of how they're dressed or whatever.. but I make sure I'm somewhere they can't overhear me and usually it's about something like what they're wearing or doing - which is totally easily controllable and they just don't care.

Even at Christmas time, I mentioned to someone I was going to start trying to loose weight again in the new year and the response I got was, "Have you tried just not eating?". I told David this and he said something about having to eat to live.. But that's not what she meant, was it?

These people - lets call them Fat Bigots - have the belief that all fat people do is eat and eat and eat and eat and eat constantly. What she was trying to say was 'You must eat a lot of crap to be as fat as you.. Maybe you should stop stuffing your face with sugar and eat a goddamn salad'.

And my point again is.. this person doesn't know me.. Had never seen me eat ANYTHING and has seriously no idea of my dietary habits... So, why the fuck would she comment at all? Considering I wasn't talking to her anyways, the only comment that would've been appropriate would've been "Good for you," or just SILENCE..

So what gives people the idea they have the right to comment on the lives or choices of strangers AT ALL.. Not just relating to weight. I WOULD NEVER make a comment about anyone when I didn't know the situation.

But anyway... I think you all get my point so I should just shut the fuck up. Sorry.

So, there was going to be a 'Movie Critic' video tonight, but had to delay.. stay tuned Next Thursday for that video. It's going to be a new regular Gazzy In Tazzy feature... Gazzy in Tazzy At The Movies..

Apart from that, I'll be back next week for another update.. Might start a Gazzy In Tazzy Facebook page so people who wanna follow can be notified when there's an update. I'll let you know what happens with that..

Anyways, I'll be back soon..

Enjoy Yourself,


1 comment:

Shazzy said...

well said
You are amazing and should hold your head up high,
love your blogs