I haven't done a blog update for a while mostly because I haven't been really trying. I'm not saying I've just given up.. but I'm not going at it like I was when I started the video blog.
I have learnt to swim since my last video update, which has been great. And a HUGE thank you to my friend Hannah who's been my mentor and supporter of my swimming adventures.. and most patient. The first day at the pool and I will admit.. I was a bit scared. Never learnt to swim and was not comfortable in the water. On day two I challenged myself to get my head underwater and I did.. and I've been to the pool 6 times and I now have the stroke happening.. Just working on turning my head out of the water to breathe while not stopping. It's been a challenge.. but I know I can get there.. I'm loving it!
So.. I've also had the Gay-Man-Flu for like the last ten days. Finally feeling better today.. hardly even coughing and not wheezing.. so that's a plus.
Anyways.. I just wanted to say that I know the blog is still here.. and I know I need to get back into some sort of fitness regime... but I'm going to start using the blog just for stuff instead of the massive focus I have on weight loss.. because I feel stupid having a blog about trying to loose weight when I'm barely trying...
I started 2010 at 144.4 kgs and it's now 9 months later and I'm 143!! I've gone up and down over the last 9 months.. but the end result is.. 1.4kg loss in 9 months.. and that's not something worth blogging about..
For starters, our massive Halloween party is only a few weeks away.. and we've been hard at work getting everything together.. building, buying, blood staining.. it's gonna be a great night..
So.. I will be back..
Hi Gazzy.
After watching I would like to comment.
At first it seems that you are making excuses for almost everything including your lack of weight loss.
I feel most of us (humans) are all in the same boat, commitment for one specific outcome is such a problem for us all. The exceptions are compulsive & obsessive types.
We are so caught up in many aspects of life that now the fundamentals are blurred and we are all creating our own problems eg. Health, financial, relationship etc.
We as individuals need to get back to basics & concentrate on exercise, food, relationships & commit to those things exclusively. This is the only way you will achieve your goal.
I hope you get what you want out of this – But really you are already getting what you want out of it.
Thanks for commenting (whoever you are).. You're right of course.
Sometimes I think of those obsessive compulsive types you spoke of with such awe. I wish I had that focus on any aspect of my life. To have a problem and focus all my effort and energy into fixing that problem and moving to the next.
I think a large part of my problem is change. I don't think I like change. I think about change is suck a positive way and think about all the benefits and wonderful things that could come from a life change and I don't follow through. And I think that is because Change means Risk. And I'm not a brave person who would risk what I have to change, even if I think the changes would be positive.
Wowsers... I think I just psych 101'd myself.
But, you're right.. we (I) need to commit to achieve goals.
Thank you so much for commenting...
Reach for the goals that you can achieve rapidly.
Once you have a few goals reached rapidly you will see results. For example maintaining your exercise routine for one week would be a goal reached.
By reaching goals this way you will make great progress and it will benefit you greatly.
I look at it this way – If I want to build a space shuttle from scratch I would most certainly be daunted and would probably never move on from the initial idea unless I started from one small thing at a time and eventually..... You know the rest, right???
So to summerise my rantings.
• Write down ideas for your ultimate goal/s
• Set yourself rapidly achievable goals.
• Achieve your small goals week to week.
• Stay focused on your small goals only.
• Only monthly, at the most, check your progress with weigh-ins. This can be another goal too.
• Only every 3 months look back at your ultimate goal to make sure it still means as much to you as initially thought.
• Never give up on your small goals.
hi gazzy, i just watched your video and think its great your even trying, you might not be getting the numbers but at least your getting in there and trying new things. i hope your proud of your self for that! keep it up and when you start to think more positive about it, you will probably see the change.
good luck i wish you well
and i love the blogs you go to so muc effort with them, they make me laugh.
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