Friday, 26 February 2010

The Big Return... well, the return anyways

I'm Back!!

I'm so so sorry everyone. I know I've been away and back and away and back and I've been a bit all over the show with the blog for the last few months, but I really want to get back into the swing of things and that's what I'm planning on doing! I've developed a sort-of structure for blog posts, so I'm hoping that will help keep me focused on the blog and my personal goals.

I've been 'off-line' for around 3 weeks now... we've been struggling a bit financially and internet access wasn't a priority compared to some other expenses. But I'm back now and this blog isn't about money, it's about me... and what better topic!!

Three Week Absence means 3 un-reported weigh in days have passed... so, here we go...
11/02 - 143.3     a 0.1 gain
18/02 - 143.8     a 0.5 gain
25/02 - 143.3     a 0.5 loss... which gives me a February Result of +0.9kgs. Well, that's about 3.9kilos away from the goal of a 3 kilo loss... OOOPS!

I just wanna say... that work has given me a new outlook on Australia's education system. I appreciate good spelling and conversations with educated people - at least people that know what they're talking about - those conversations you have with those people that are making shit up as you go along really pisses me off. But it's those 'customers' that abuse me and act so superior when they absolutely know nothing! It would be fine if they said, "I'm looking for this, but I have no idea..." But the other day I had a really, really 'uneducated' (PC) person.She was on a mobile and it was very hard to hear and this is how it went:
Me "What name please?"
"Did you say Ausfarm?"
"Yes" (frustrated)
"Is that O-Z or A-U-S?"
"For Fucks Sake... it's Ausfarm"
"OK. Is it spelt O-Z or A-U-S?"
"Don't you know how to fucking spell?"
"Yes, but there are different -"
"Fucks Sake! It's OZ, as in O-Z and then Farm. You know what a farm is? Where fucking sheep live?"
"For Fucks Sake. Farm! P-H-A-R-M!

PHARM... Where sheep live!!! What the fuck is that about?? Unbelievable. And the thing that made it worse was her attitude. Totally oblivious to her own stupidity!! I know even if she ever finds my blog, I'm safe... I doubt she'd be able to read it!!

Also at work the other day was a call for Catholic Church Insurance. Now, I know the church is a business and even better for them, they're tax exempt because they're a faith organisation... but this really made me laugh. I mean, isn't their whole message that god protects and provides for all of his followers? And what? Just in case god fails you and you're house is flooded and you loose everything... you've got the Jesus approved insurance policy? New for Old Replacement on All Your Bibles!!! I would love to see some of those TV commercials!! Can you imagine the old door-to-door insurance salesman with the preacher mixed in.  Have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior? No. Do you have full comprehensive? I mean really....

And doesn't that piss you off? The fact religion gets tax exemption. I think that would be ok if the church stuck to the church, but Sanitarium (owners of Weet-Bix) is owned by a church (I forgot which) so are exempt from paying tax on all the profit they make from selling those popular wheat bricks! Maybe Mr. L Ron Hubbard had it right... create a religion if you really make some money....

So, what have I been doing for 3 weeks I hear you ask... Well, what haven't I been doing... Everything. I have done shit all for the last 3 weeks. I've been working and being a house bitch. Since the last entry, I've gone to Bingo which was fun! It was a very uneventful Valentine's Day, I've had coffee chatty catch ups with most of the girls at some point... and yeah... not much else. Been pretty low intensity lately... but there is some more excitement in the coming weeks... Yay Yay Yay... I'll keep you posted... 

Well... I think I should wrap it up there for tonight... But I will be back.. and not in 3 weeks time!

Good Evening You'All... and please, comments if you enjoy or have any suggestions for the blog, for weight loss or even just words of encouragement or ANYTHING you want to say... All opinions and comments are welcome.... See ya soon! 

Saturday, 13 February 2010

please hold. Your readership is very important to us.

hello everyone. As you may have noticed i haven't posted anything for a while. I'm experiencing some technical difficulties.... However i will return as soon as i can!

Saturday, 6 February 2010

I Know... I'm Sorry... But I'm Back!

Hello all.... I'm sorry... I know it's been over a week since my last post. I don't even have a good excuse really... does laziness count? The last time I wrote it was the January weigh in result and I must say that I haven't been feeling the motivation since then. Not that I was upset, disappointed or surprised by that result... just feeling the struggle.

So, highlights of the week... let's see. There was work and some work... fun huh? Not really... what else? Well... Monday I went to see the 3D re-release of Toy Story 1 & 2 with Bianka and Joy. Was good... I'm kinda loving this 3D movie revolution we're seeing... and we went out for lunch after. Now, we all had the same thing and it was naughty... but I don't go out for lunch very often, so gimme a break! Right! I know I could've made a better choice... not like they only served one item, but... WHATEVER! As you can see... it was delicious! 

What else? Ummm... there was some more work... and still planning the Halloween stuff. Trying to figure out how to make things now... Got a few ideas, but actually making those ideas is tricky, so trying to brain storm.  Thursday we had dinner at my folks... Roast Beef with vegies - there you go, Vegies! See... health health health sweetie! Ahhh... oh! David finally got his license back. So, of course he was all excited and happy so we spent most of yesterday driving around. Again... bad choice of lunch while on the road.. Peer Pressure - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!  So that was good actually... lots of chatting, stopped at a few shops to browse, stopped at my folks for a coffee... Good day...

And today... not much at all. Been editing video again today. My mum, brother and sister dropped around for coffee and cake. Stayed for a chat. And not much else happened. Only had a tub of yogurt for lunch and David is cooked Honey Mustard Chicken as I type. Yum Yum. 

If you've been reading the blog the last couple of weeks, you'll know I had a tooth pulled over 3 weeks ago and I've been having trouble with it healing.... even went back to a hot dentist to get the empty socket checked out to no result. Well.. 2 days ago I could feel something in the hole and grabbed some tweezers. There was a huge (huge for a whole in your gum) piece of tooth inside... So, obviously I removed it and it immediately felt better and has been healing very very nicely the last two days!! OMG... So glad! That might've been too much information - but you'll get over it!

OK... So I know I've been slack with writing as well as the actual eating and exercise, but like I've said before it's a lifestyle change. I'm not breaking any rules by not walking and eating crap... I'm just not making good choices. And I know this. I am aware that how I've been treating my body is unhealthy and will lead to some bad consequences eventually. But a big change like this is a slow process... and I will get there... And as always, any suggestions or idea are very welcome and I appreciate hearing your thoughts... good and bad... so, please... Comment Below!

Well, I'm gonna leave it there tonight. I'm going to try try try to write here more often. It was every day and I will try to get back to those daily updates... Maybe some more structure is needed... 

Oh, I forgot... it was weigh in day on Thursday... I didn't post but I did weigh in... It was a 0.8kg gain. Not huge, but that is 2 small gains over the last 2 weeks, so obviously I need to get back on track. Especially if I want to achieve the 3kg goal for February! I can only try! 

Peace Out Homies!