Sunday, 15 May 2011

New Beginnings

This is a hard post to write, so bear with me....

I use my blog to vent stuff and to share my life with people and for the most part I use it to highlight the achievements and good things that happen. Today is not one of those posts. 

After many nights of talking, crying and some emotional breakdowns over the weeks and months... David and I have decided together that we need to separate. We've spent 6 years together and like everyone, we've had our ups and downs. But last night, we confronted our baggage and we decided, mutually, that we're not working anymore. It's not either of our faults and we haven't stopped caring about each other, but as a couple we're keeping our individual selves down and that is not how a relationship should work. We both deserve to be happy and to achieve the things we want in life and, together, that isn't happening. 

I'm sure many of you have had to make decisions like this in your own lives and I'm sure you realise how hard this sort of thing can be. But as hard as it is to admit to ourselves that things aren't working, you can't help but think of the past. The good and the bad.. and look towards the future. All these emotions are still very raw and I feel a little bit lost at the moment, but I know we've made the right decision and that we can both survive and we can both move on.

6 years is a long time to share your life with someone, but comfortability is not the only ingredient needed to make a relationship work. Like I said before, we both still care about each other... and I truly believe that once we've both healed from this break up that we can remain friends. 

I work in a place that loves the gossip, I'm guilty of this at times as well... But I wanted to write this post so that there is no misunderstanding or assumption about what happened. I write this blog to share my life with you all... and, like I said before, I want to share the good and bad stuff with you. 

Looking forward, the next week is going to be very hard as we're still living together until we can arrange everything... After that, the period of adjustment is going to be difficult as well... But this blog has always mostly been about weight loss and that will not change and I hope that the emotionally raw couple of weeks ahead will not affect the continuing war against the waistline! 

Thank you all for following the blog and for reading and I hope you understand if some of the regular blog features are late/missing over the next few weeks.. as I also have a busy few weeks at work ahead of me. 

I will be back soon! 


Thursday, 5 May 2011

@ the Movies - Source Code

Hello folks

Here's this week @ the Movies... with Source Code...

