So, I agreed that this food diary was a good idea... and I still do. For the first week I am just recording my normal diet to count how many calories I'm actually eating. OMG... I hate calorie counting and love it at the same time. I had no idea the amount of energy I was consuming. I mean, I'm not eating something crazy like 5000 a day or anything. They say an average person of my height trying to maintain their weight should consume between 2500-3000 calories a day. But for me, wanting to loose weight, I should be eating 2000 calories a day as a MAXIMUM. Well, basically... I'm eating too much. I'm eating too many calories. I still want to record a weeks worth of average eating before I start modifying my diet. I want to have an average daily intake. That might seem silly to people, because I'm supposed to be trying to lose weight... but I think it's important to know where you are and what you're doing wrong. So, this week is like an audit of calorie intake.
But what I've noticed so far is... that during the day, not so bad. Coffee intake is pretty high and having it white & one every time isn't the best. But once it gets to dinner time.. most of our meals are pretty high calorie and the portion size is too large. Not to mention, I have the awful habit of evening munchies. I just gotta have something to eat after dinner...
I would hate to have started counting calories while still drinking heaps of soft drinks! Thank god I've already given that up!
Calorie counting is nothing new. Lots of people have done it and most people are successful while doing it. Any of you try it? Success??
So, I need to get cracking on my video blogging. Now I've done a little promo, I guess I should get filming and stuff. I have an idea of what I want it to be in my head but it's a bit hard to do when I'm the camera man & the subject... but I'm working on it... Will probably still be a week or maybe 2 before I get the first one out to you...
Well, so what's been doing? Well... I haven't had much work lately, so I've actually started cleaning! OMG! I've even made the bed every morning for over a week! OMG! I know, everyone is in shock! It's a shocking state of affairs really!
Also, our oven is on the fritz. We notified the real estate last Tuesday and reminded her last Friday... it's now Wednesday and still nothing... So, tomorrow, I think I'll be making another reminder call! It's a pain in the ass, cos we have to cook everything in the electric fry pan - or god forbid the deep fryer. We've even boiled pasta in the electric fry pan. How good are we?? But, yeah, oven and hot plates.. the whole thing just doesn't work. When we switch it on all the power in the house goes off! Crazy!
AND... Glee is back! I was so excited... I put my phone on silent, closed the curtains, turn up the volume and was glued to the TV screen for 45 minutes. Was wonderful. Glee is wonderful! Is drama, comedy and musical and everyone should watch it... Well, maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea but I love it!
Alrighty... I'll be back soon with my week of calorie recording results and of course it's weigh in day tomorrow. Based on my calorie intake and lack of exercise program, I'd put money on a gain tomorrow... Big Money.
But I will be back soon. Good Night All.